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I am glad I got to watch the new Hobbit movie with my Father in law and brothers in law last night, as has become the tradition for each of these movies.
However, the movie itself was "ok". The fight scenes were great, but the movie overall was dark. A lot of death and very little redemption. Many lives lost for nothing.
However, the movie itself was "ok". The fight scenes were great, but the movie overall was dark. A lot of death and very little redemption. Many lives lost for nothing.
I realize that it's a fictional movie... someone else's take of a fictional book, rather... but it does make me think of our society.
Between terrorists groups killing thousands of innocent people because they think differently than they do... to people taking the lives of unborn babies in the name of a "woman's right"... to school shootings and random acts of chaos.... Senseless killing happens all the time.
Between terrorists groups killing thousands of innocent people because they think differently than they do... to people taking the lives of unborn babies in the name of a "woman's right"... to school shootings and random acts of chaos.... Senseless killing happens all the time.
It is easy to glorify killing in a movie because it is not "real". However, when we think about how bad things have become... we realize that it is all too real... and very close to our own back doors.
Our time here on earth is finite. It is not without end. We breathe a certain number of breaths and we're gone. It could be seen as depressing, but it should be motivating. It should inspire you to make the most out of life.
Invest in others... Show love... but above all else, seek Christ. Jesus isn't just a prophet or a "great man" in history. If you believe those things, but do not believe in Him as our savior, one of two things is happening. You either don't know much about Jesus or you're lying to yourself.
Jesus was never "just a man". He was fully God... in the flesh. He came to us because we needed a savior. A savior from our sins. God created us to live with Him for eternity... and He gave us a choice - free will - to do what we wanted to do. We always choose sin. We cheat, we lie, we lust, we kill, we directly disobey the very One who gave us life.
He could have just left us this way. Left us to our own busy, self focused lives while sin slowly kills our earthly bodies. He could have let Hell be our only option. He did not do that. He came.
He came for you.
He loves you too much to just let you go. He won't beg you to come to Him and He shouldn't... You should run to Him.
Light in the darkness.... The Hobbit may have been mostly dark with a few glimpses of light... The real world, however... it is very dark at times, but His light is always there. Shining as bright as it did on the night of His birth. The star lead the lowly dirty shepherds to the place where He was born. It lead them to their savior.
It lead them to the Way. The Way, the Truth and the Life. The Everlasting Father. The Prince of Peace. The Holy One. You can deny His existence, but it does not make Him any less real. You can reject the gift of His love and redemption, but your loss is Hell's gain.
Just like the characters in the movie, you do not know when your time will be. Be ready.
So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect Him. Matthew 24:44
The people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned. Matthew 4:16
And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment Hebrews 9:27
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