
Friday, June 02, 2006

Thanksgiving in June?

I find myself in a completely blessed state.  How great is our God? HE IS THE GREATEST! I am so thankful I serve a God that hears our prayers. He also knows what is best for us. Just when we think we know what we need and when we need it....that's when it happens. Our expectations are far exceeded. Praise God for our "unanswered prayers"!
Losing Emily was the hardest thing Miranda and I have ever had to go through; we're not done going through it yet. You might think that God left us when we needed Him most, but He didn't. He was right there. In the storm he was our shelter. When it rained hard he was our giant umbrella. When it snowed He was our warm protective coat. When the sun shined brightly He was...the sun. Through ours and other faithful believers prayers we find strength and hope in each new day. Then the most wonderful thing happened.
We are pregnant again! Praise God. We couldn't be more excited. This coupled with my new job starting in August is so overwhelming. When God's blessings rain down on you...they often pour!
Do you have a praise you would like to share on here? Let me know at
God Bless,
Bob Speakman

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